
Exeter Science Park

Treeconomics works with local authorities and estate managers around the UK to help them realise the value of their trees, and manage their treescapes strategically; from as few as 10 trees, to a whole city or district. Trees do so much for us – they absorb carbon from the atmosphere; they filter pollution from the air; they absorb storm water and they contribute to our wellbeing. Treeconomics helps councils realise the value of these benefits in economic terms. By knowing the value of the trees, councils can maintain existing trees better so they thrive and mature, as well as advocate for funding for new plantings and strategic management plans. 

Cranbrook i-Tree Eco Project – Treeconomics is a local example of a new town valuing its trees and the benefits they provide to the people who live there. This kind of study can help a town or city to ensure that its treescapes are sustainable for future generations. 

Nadine Moreby, Marketing and Events Coordinator, explained: 

“Founded in 2015 as a social enterprise, Treeconomics moved from the Innovation Centre at the University of Exeter to Exeter Science Park, which is a fantastic facility and great for receiving visitors. Exeter is a great location – our office is easy to get to, right next to the M5 J29, with a wide selection of hotels for our guests to stay in. In addition, we have links with the Met Office who are close by. 

“We recently held a workshop which attracted people from all around the country to learn about successful tree establishment and care.” 

Treeconomics has 12 staff including a paid intern. Staff are able to use the train network into Exeter (with a bus transfer to the Science Park) and one staff member routinely cycles to work. The team enjoy working at Exeter Science Park, with countryside walks at lunchtime, as well as being really close to the city of Exeter. 


  • Treeconomics

    Founded in 2015 as a social enterprise, Treeconomics moved from the Innovation Centre at the University of Exeter to Exeter Science Park, which is a fantastic facility and great for receiving visitors. Exeter is a great location – our office is easy to get to, right next to the M5 J29, with a wide selection of hotels for our guests to stay in. In addition, we have links with the Met Office who are close by.

    Nadine Moreby, Marketing and Events Coordinator
  • Joiin

    For our B Corp assessment, we’re awaiting evaluation and verification, where we will receive a score. A minimum score of 80 is needed to become certified and this usually takes around six to eight months. Progress isn’t always linear, and our B Corp journey has required a lot of reflection and improvements to our business model and practice. We feel strongly that organisations of all sizes, in all sectors are accountable for the impression we leave on our planet and the people we work with. Going through the B Corp process has propelled us forward in making the necessary changes.

    co-founder, Lucien Wynn